Everyone’s worried about the next cyber attack, the next zero day, or the next novel exploit they’ll have to frantically patch or mitigate through some kind of work around – and then hope for the best.
But patches and mitigations take time, and when exploits are out there in the wild – how can you feel less vulnerable to unknown beasts roving the internet?
The truth is that most attacks have similar operational models, similar tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and use polymorphic wrappers in order to evade the common security protection tools. Although the indicators of compromise (IoCs) are new and novel, the TTPs are often the same. Whether it’s exploiting an old known vulnerability like NTLM authentication or a new one like Log4J, there are still methods of catching and caging fantastic attackers.
Machine Learning looks at patterns – especially behavior of credentials and assets – to see what is abnormal, and recognize it as an attack.
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Director, Product Marketing, Exabeam
Principal Sales Engineer, Exabeam